
Oh travel. Where do I even begin here other than to say that I love to experience life outside of my own. I grew up in a bubble not knowing how spectacular the world outside of Boca Raton, Florida is. I was relatively "sheltered" most of my early life and it wasn't until I became a photographer and started working with some international clients that my love for traveling really began. It started out with travels to Latin America and the Caribbean on productions for many DIAGEO brands such as Johnnie Walker, Buchanans, Zacapa Rum, Ciroc, etc. I felt like I hit the jackpot! I had the opportunity to travel to new countries and be exposed to different ways of life than my own. Between the food, the people, the music, the culture, the architecture - it was eye opening and stimulating. It was as if I had been sleeping my whole life and traveling woke me up. I was on a cloud nine every time I set foot on an airplane (which is crazy because I was always scared to fly). Over the years, I've traveled to over 50 countries and hope to add even more to my list in the future. 

Some of my favorite destinations have been New Zealand, South Africa, and Greenland - These also happen to be the farthest destinations on my list and the most unique/ different from my own way of life which is why I loved traveling to these places so much. While there is a sense of excitement surrounding travel there are also feelings of discomfort and uncertainty and that is why there still is no place like home. Like with anything it's all about balance though, right? When I come back home I feel gratitude for the life that I have and know that when the time is right for me to get on a plane again that I can do just that. There is a feeling comfort in knowing that I can always return back home to my comfort zone.